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Embracing Financial Inclusion: Raiz Lowers Minimum Account Balance to $5
At Raiz, we believe in the power of financial goals to inspire innovation. Our vision...
2024 Annual Member Meeting and Election Notice
Raiz FCU will hold its Annual Member Meeting on Saturday, May 18, 2024. The Annual...
Raiz Celebrates $1 Billion in Total Assets
Raiz Federal Credit Union proves 2023 to be a successful year by surpassing over $1...
Raiz Receives Nine Prestigious Awards
Raiz Federal Credit Union, an El Paso based digital-forward financial institution, is thrilled to announce...
Can You Have Both a Roth and Traditional IRA?
Raiz answers the question of if you can have both a Roth IRA and Traditional...
Arbitraje Renuncia a la Demanda Colectiva
En Raiz Federal Credit Union nos comprometemos a ayudar a nuestros miembros a alcanzar sus...
Arbitration and Waiver of Class Action
Raiz Federal Credit Union is committed to helping our members achieve their financial goals. We...
Raiz Community Scholarship Recipients
Grounded in our roots as educators and inspired by the people we serve, we are...
Un Nuevo Camino a Seguir
Gracias por formar parte de nuestra familia de TFCU. Tenemos grandes noticias que compartirles, ¡Raiz...
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